Five Star Painting of Greensboro
Renovation & Installation Construction & Contractors Locally Owned
As a Greensboro native owner Nathan Cashwell is very familiar with Greensboro and the Triad in general, knowing and appreciating how great of a place it is to grow up, live, and work in. Nathan has been in design and construction of all manners for over 20 years. In 2015 he decided to start a painting company after he tried to get service providers to help with some projects needed at the home he and his wife had moved into. After experiencing the various frustrations of that process Nathan saw there was a niche that he could fill and Five Star Painting of Greensboro was born. With a focus on consultative cooperation with their clients in order to understand the clients wants and needs and then deliver those with the highest quality, professionalism, and service our clients love working with us and refer us to their friends, family, and co-workers. Bringing that level of service, commitment, and execution to our commercial clients as well sets up apart from many of the the service providers they deal with. Our systems, processes, team, and oversight allow us to deliver the finished product that our clients expect with very little stress, time commitment, and disturbance to them so they can focus on their daily lives and work.
Local company dedicated to helping our clients bring their visions to life with professional quality, service, and execution with minimal stress, time, and disturbance for our clients