Reentry Simulation: Transition from Confinement to Real World
Thursday, May 18, 2023 (9:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (EDT)
A Reentry Simulation is an educational outreach event which highlights the struggles and challenges faced by individuals who are transitioning from incarceration back into their communities. It provides an opportunity for participants to gain an understanding of the significant obstacles and barriers faced by men and women upon their release from incarceration and return to their communities.
The Reentry Simulation provides visibility into the perspectives of the returning citizens who those in many different fields are tasked to help. Our aim is to represent a realistic landscape of what individuals face when coming home. By experiencing these complex obstacles and barriers which reentrants must navigate, we not only gain visibility into their individual perspective but also discover innovative ways to help them succeed and build healthier, safer communities.
AWOL Fitness CEO Lynch Hunt reshapes fitness through his gym empire. All after serving 10 years in prison. Coach Hunt will be on hand to share from his experiences.

1500 Barber Park Drive
Greensboro, NC 27401 United States
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