Fresh Start Employer Information Session
Tuesday, March 21, 2023 (11:30 AM - 1:30 PM) (EDT)
You are invited to participate in an upcoming Fresh Start Community Event in collaboration with Triad Goodwill, GuilfordWorks, the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department, and the Department of Public Safety.
Our goal for this ambitious initiative is to connect hundreds of judicially-impacted individuals in Greensboro and High Point to employment opportunities and community resources. We need your help to accomplish this goal!
Your presence at our Employer Information Session will help us lay a strong foundation for this event. Employers across Guilford County and a series of guests will speak on their experience working with and hiring those with justice involvement, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Taiwo Jaiyoba, Greensboro City Manager
- Tonia Cutchin, Superior Court Judge
- Henry Frye, Jr., former Superior Court Judge
- Dr. Danielle Harrison, Director of the Office of Workforce Development
We are very excited to extend this invitation and cannot wait to partner with you in offering our Fresh Start initiative to our community!
Please register here if you would like to attend this event. Registration is limited to a maximum of (2) representatives, and lunch will be provided.
2301 West Meadowview Road
Greensboro, NC 27407 United States
Community Events